At Panoptech, we’re proud of our expertise in the depolyment of the XProtect® suite and with our proven capability, we have been granted a place on Milestone's Marketplace.
"Panoptech is a trusted Milestone Marketplace partner that has excellent experience working with XProtect®”
Kenneth Hune Petersen CSMO, Milestone System
Milestone Marketplace is a digital platform for XProtect® video management solution sellers and buyers. Hardware, software and solution services providers use Marektplace promote expertise through detailed profile pages. Intuitive filters then make it easy for end-users to find the perfect match of XProtect-compatible products or partners for specific VMS challenges. The platform includes reviews, free demos and documentation to inspire the right choice.
As an XProtect® expert, our installation experience can help and inspire you to solve your business challenges; so make Milestone Marketplace your one-stop-shop to stay ahead. This is a free-to-use digital marketplace that brings XProtect® endusers and software, hardware and solution providers together in one place that focuses on open platform video management solutions.
Visit our profile page at Milestone Marketplace
Alternatively, to speak to one of our experts about Milestone XProtect®, call us on +44 (0)1252 812 055 or email for more information.