Panoptech has appointed Mick Creedon QPM, one of the UK’s most experienced and respected police officers, as a strategic adviser to assist with the expansion of services to UK and international enforcement agencies.
Mr Creedon is a former Chief Constable of Derbyshire and was the National Policing Lead for serious and organised crime, financial investigation and asset recovery for over ten years. A career detective and one of the longest serving Chief Constables in the country, Mick was the lead officer in the development of the Regional Organised Crime Units (ROCUs) and the Regional Asset Recovery Teams (RARTS) and worked on the creation of the National Crime Agency.
Mick Creedon, Strategic Adviser for Panoptech, commented:
“Having spent a career as an investigator I am acutely aware of the need for specialist technical and ICT support at a time when the criminal challenge is ever more testing and able to exploit the technological developments we see in the world. Its critically important that policing and the wider law enforcement family is able to keep abreast of these challenges and developments and this can only be done by working with partners and the private sector. I am delighted to be able to support Panoptech who for many years have provided specialist services and I share their ambition to develop new and enhanced products in support of the wider law enforcement family”
