Those with a keen eye may be wondering when the next release of Milestone's XProtect Video Management Software product will be coming along.... well be assured the wait will soon be over.
Milestone have been working hard to bring about a new and modern toolchain as part of their new technology strategy.
In short, this means that XProtect is being transformed using a more modern software development, integration and delivery tool to ensure that XProtect maintains its position as a secure, compliant and future-proof solution. As such the next release is planned to available in June 2024.
XProtect 2024 R1 will include exciting improvements, including a new XProtect Update Manager, a centralised utility to deploy patches, hotfixes, device packs and XProtect software updates. This will make it easier and less time-consuming to keep systems up to date.
To be one of the first to be notified when 2024 R1 is released, then please keep checking our website News page. Also if you are not already on our e-shot list, then please email with your name, organisation and contact email address and will be sure to add you.